Republer - technological advertising platform based on knowledge

do their business
with Republer
to the platform

Republer increases
revenue from website

Auction model

Real-time bidding is arranged so that all advertisers can bargain for each visitor on each website simultaneously.

The parallel biddings

All bids collected simulteniously. Thanks to this right of impression goes for those who propose the highest price. Always.

Big Data

Republer predicts the purchase system behavior and makes your audience be proposed to the buyers that are more likely to buy them with a higher probability and at a higher price.

What we do

To ensure that your inventory is sold at the highest possible price and without risk to business

  • Every time user visits your website

    We launch data sharing cycle with the RTB ecosystem members; as a result, your inventory is sold at the maximum possible price at the moment.

  • We receive information about your visitor

    Every webpage download with our tag initiates banner request to Republer.

    We receive anonymous characteristics of your user and check them in our database searching for anything that is known about him/her.

  • We add exclusive data we have

    To make inventory more valuable for advertisers, we send additional data about user that is unavailable in the usual metrics to the buyer's systems.

  • We start the auction

    Right of displaying ad banner for user is put up to the auction. User is proposed to the advertisers via buying DSP-systems.

  • We accept bids from all bidders

    Advertisers that are interested in user with the declared value announce price they are ready to pay.

    Those who were late to bid are excluded from the auction so that system remains reliable and quick.

  • We identify advertiser that proposed maximum bid

    We never leave the impression for the first advertiser that is ready to buy it. The one that proposes the maximum price wins the right to publish his/her banner.

  • We serve the ad from the winner

    The auction winner’s ad is served at your webpage.

  • We credit your account

    Money for served ads enrolled to your Republer account.

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Every time user visits your website

We launch data sharing cycle with the RTB ecosystem members; as a result, your inventory is sold at the maximum possible price at the moment.

We receive information about your visitor

Every webpage download with our tag initiates banner request to Republer.

We receive anonymous characteristics of your user and check them in our database searching for anything that is known about him/her.

We add exclusive data we have

To make inventory more valuable for advertisers, we send additional data about user that is unavailable in the usual metrics to the buyer's systems.

We start the auction

Right of displaying ad banner for user is put up to the auction. User is proposed to the advertisers via buying DSP-systems.

We accept bids from all bidders

Advertisers that are interested in user with the declared value announce price they are ready to pay.

Those who were late to bid are excluded from the auction so that system remains reliable and quick.

We identify advertiser that proposed maximum bid

We never leave the impression for the first advertiser that is ready to buy it. The one that proposes the maximum price wins the right to publish his/her banner.

We serve the ad from the winner

The auction winner’s ad is served at your webpage.

We credit your account

Money for served ads enrolled to your Republer account.

Republer from inside

We continuously improve the system functionality and user-friendliness considering market demands and publishers need


You see what places and formats bring bigger profit and thus can improve your impressions.

Floor price

Your inventory is sold at the price that you set and not below the specified value.

Transperent bidding

Statistics of auction history will always show how much advertisers paid for every impression at your website.

Connected DSP

We are by your side